24 Hours Before Your Travel Day

As the days count down to the much-anticipated family trip, our household usually buzzes with excitement. The air is filled with the aroma of sunscreen and the sound of suitcases being dragged out from storage. As parents we double-check itineraries and travel documents, while a visible sense of anticipation lingers, especially when there's a toddler in the mix.

Our daughter, sensing the excitement, alternates between being a pint-sized helper or a tiny tornado, rearranging carefully folded clothes or scattering toys in a frenzy. As parents, our challenge lies in maintaining the delicate balance between involving the little one and trying to keep the chaos in check.

Here is our tips for the 24 hours before your travel day:

Pack Strategically:

  • Start by packing the essentials for your toddler. Ensure you have enough diapers, wipes and an extra set of clothes which are easily accessible. Pack favorite toys, snacks and any comfort items that can help ease anxiety during the journey. Don't forget any necessary medications and a first aid kit.

    Refer to our “Packing Guide” for more on this.

Check Your Documents:

  • Ensure you have all necessary travel documents, including passports, tickets or other required identification for your toddler. Double-check the airline's rules regarding child seats and strollers.

Charge Devices:

  • Charge your electronic devices, such as tablets or smartphones and load them with your toddler's favorite games or videos. Having entertainment readily available can be a lifesaver during long waits or flights.

Plan for Sleep:

  • Encourage your toddler to get a good night's sleep before the trip. If possible, stick to their usual bedtime routine to help them feel secure and rested.

Prepare Snacks:

  • Pack a variety of snacks for your toddler to keep them satisfied throughout the journey. Opt for healthy options like fruits, cheese and crackers and make sure to have some water or milk on hand.

    Refer to our “Snack time in the skies” for more on this.

Coordinate Outfits:

  • Lay out comfortable and weather-appropriate outfits for both you and your toddler. Dressing in layers is a good idea, especially if you're traveling to a different climate. Make sure your toddler is visible when at the airport, dressing them in bright colours is always beneficial. Also remember to pack a spare set of clothes in your Mom’s bag for both you and your toddler.

Secure Transportation:

  • Confirm your transportation to and from the airport. If you are renting a vehicle for your holiday, make sure the car seat you receive from the rental company is properly installed. If you are taking public transport, double check train/bus schedules and if you arrange a taxi, confirm pick up with your taxi company.

Create a Travel Itinerary:

  • Outline a rough itinerary for the day, including departure time, meal breaks and any planned activities. Having a schedule can help manage expectations and reduce stress for both you and your toddler. Do not fill your itinerary with too many activities for the day, when traveling with toddlers you tend to move around a little bit slower than what you are normally used to.

Communicate with Your Toddler:

  • Depending on their age, explain the journey to your toddler in simple terms. Let them know what to expect, including security checks, waiting areas and the flight itself. Reassure them that you'll be together throughout the trip.

Stay Calm and Flexible:

  • Anticipate that things may not go exactly as planned. Flights might be delayed, or toddlers might have unexpected mood swings. Stay calm, be flexible and adapt to the situation. A positive attitude can go a long way in making the journey enjoyable for everyone. Normally it is mom and dad who are more stressed if something does not go as planned, your little one is enjoying the journey irrespective.

The last 24 hours before traveling with a toddler require careful planning and thoughtful preparation. By anticipating your toddler's needs, ensuring all essentials are packed and maintaining a positive mindset, you can set the stage for a successful and memorable travel experience. Remember, flexibility and adaptability is key when traveling with little ones, so embrace the journey and create lasting memories along the way. Safe travels!


Essential Packing Guide For Stress-Free Toddler Travel


A Mom’s Guide: What To Include In Your Toddler's Carry On Bag?